May 13, 2024 2:00 P.M. (Zoom)
Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Called to Order – 2:00 P.M.
  • Roll Call: Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD, Director of Public Safety Richard Tantalo, Monroe County, Chief Kenzie Spaulding, Corning PD, Chief William Worden, Port Jervis PD, Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD, Chief (ret.) Daniel Denz, West Seneca PD (NYSACOP Traffic Safety Services Coordinator), Frank Galerie (NYSACOP GTSC LEL), Assistant Chief (ret.) William Georges, Albany PD (NYSACOP TSOL & TSC Chairman)

Chief (ret.) Michael Geraci, Schenectady PD (NYSACOP TSOL): Excused

Chief (ret.) Joseph Sinagra, Saugerties PD: Leave of Absence.

  • No guests at this meeting.
  • Moment of Silence in Commemoration of Police Memorial Week.
  • Approval of April 11, 2024, Committee Meeting Minutes:

1st:      Inspector Regina
Chief Worden


  • Updates/Status on Previous Agenda Topics/Events:
    • NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues:

Inspector Regina stated that there was nothing new to report.


    • Oral Fluid Testing:

Inspector Regina reported that his agency is investigating the potential of starting an Oral Fluid Testing program. He and his administration have a meeting scheduled next week with Jim McCauley from Intoxometers to discuss options. Separate, but simultaneously to setting up the meeting with McCauley, GTSC DRE Program Representative, Renee Borden, contacted Inspector Regina and advised him that GTSC has funding set aside for the purchase of Oral Fluid testing devices. She and Inspector Regina have a meeting set up later this week to further discuss this opportunity. More information to follow.

Chairman Georges reported on the NYSP Evidentiary Oral Fluids Testing Program session which was presented at the recent ESLETS Conference. He discussed how oral fluid test submissions are being handled by the NYSP Lab the same as Blood Evidence Kit submissions and that the submission forms are basically identical. NYSP has a short training video which they indicated they would share with the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team in the near future.


    • Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones:

Chairman Georges relayed an update from NYSDOT on the enforcement measures regarding this program and suggested that individual police departments construct a correlating policy within their respective agencies.


    • Agencies Using Warning Tickets:

Chairman Georges reported that we have received some positive results from our Points of Contact inquiry into Warning Ticket programs. The NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team is compiling the information and plans further discussion on the topic at future TSC meetings.


    • ESLETS Conference, The Sagamore Resort, Bolton Landing, N.Y., April 24-25, 2024:

Chairman Georges, TSSC Denz and LEL Galerie each commented on the structure and content of the recent ESLETS Conference, all had positive reviews.


    • “No Empty Chair” Campaign:

TSSC Denz reported that the 2024 NEC campaign was a success and thanked Commissioner Jackson for his assistance with setting up the engagement schedule downstate.


    • NYS Annual MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Event, Albany, N.Y., May 1, 2024:

TSSC Denz, LEL Galerie and Inspector Regina reported on this event, all had positive reviews.


    • Crash Data Review:

Chairman Georges asked the TSC Members collectively as to their 2024 experience within their respective regions. Inspector Regina reported that their overall crashes are down, however he relayed a particular recent fatal crash involving a 16 year old male who was driving a stolen vehicle under the influence of drugs and was streaming his MV operation live at the time of the crash.

LEL Galerie asked the group if it appeared that crashes involving pedestrian were increasing. Commission Jackson stated that they have increased in his region and Inspector Regina reported that SCPD records show they have decreased from 22 in 2023 to 10 for the same time period in 2024.


    • Outreach to Regional Chiefs of Police Associations & Major City Chiefs:

Chairman Georges reported that potential locations are being vetted to host additional NYSACOP Traffic Safety Executive Leadership trainings.


    • Traffic Safety Engagement and Equity in Enforcement Programs:

Nothing to report.


    • GTSC Update/Issues: 

TSSC Denz reported that NYSACOP submitted their application for the FY25 GTSC grant program and is waiting to hear the results. He also stated that GTSC is up to date on all of the reimbursement payments owed to NYSACOP for FY24.

LEL Galerie reported that all the grants which were submitted for FY25 have been assigned to GTSC staff for their review, and the process of approval has started.


  • Upcoming Events:
    • AAMVA Region 1 Conference, Quebec City, Canada, May 21 – 23, 2024:

Chairman Georges informed the TSC Members that TSSC Denz and LEL Galerie will be attending this conference with GTSC staff. They will give a report at the next TSC meeting.


    • NYSACOP Annual Conference (& TSC Meeting), Hyatt Regency Buffalo, July 14 – 17, 2024 Buffalo, N.Y:

Chairman Georges polled the TSC Members to see who is planning on attending the conference and all said they were. Once the agenda is finalized, we will collectively determine a time within the event to hold an in-person TSC meeting.


    • IACP Impaired Driving & Traffic Safety Conference, Washington, D.C., August 16 – 18, 2024:

Chairman Georges discussed the event and stated he is tentatively planning on attending the IACP Roadway Safety Committee meeting on August 15th, the day before the conference begins however will not be attending the conference itself.


  • New Business:
    • NHTSA – Johns Hopkins University Meeting, Colonie, N.Y. June 4, 2024:

Chairman Georges reported that TSSC Denz, TSOL Geraci, LEL Galerie and he are planning on meeting with representatives from NHTSA and Johns Hopkins University to provide an overview of the NYSACOP LEL model and Traffic Safety Executive Leadership training program as a possible model/components re: the new National LEL Program that is being developed. He relayed that NHTSA/John Hopkins University team contacted us and requested this meeting as a follow up to the one they had with us in 2023.


    • NYSACOP – DCJS Liaison/Training Coordinator Position:

Chairman Georges reported on the position being posted and the current status of progress on filling the position.


    • Traffic Safety Activities and Training Courses:

Chairman Georges reviewed the current list of posted traffic safety training opportunities.

TSSC Denz reported on pending postings for “Identifying the Cannabis Impaired Motorist” courses and thanked the TSC members who are assisting getting these scheduled.

Director Tantalo reported on his investigation into establishing a Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST) in Monroe County. If he is able to launch it, it will be the first of its kind in NYS. He also commented on his ongoing project involving the placement of MDTs on police motorcycle units and thanked TSSC Denz for his assistance in connecting him with Chief Baker of West Seneca PD.

Chairman Georges reported on the upcoming traffic mobilizations (BUNY 5/20-6/2, and Speed Week 1, 6/3-6/9), the recent DMV “P” memo regarding reporting/furnishing information on active limousines and gave an update as to the status of the pending Deadly Driving Bill.

Chairman Georges reported on information he received from NYSP Sgt Hedges in regard to the status of TRACs as the NYSP and other agencies transition to the new NICHE system. Sgt. Hedges reported that TRACs will be supported by NYSP well into the foreseeable future.


    • Other:

Nothing to report.


  • Follow-up Activities/Assignments:
    • Schedule re: Future TSC Meetings

Chairman Georges relayed his plan of having an in-person TSC Meeting in July during the NYSACOP Annual Conference and asked the TSC Members for their input for a June meeting via Zoom. After discussion, the TSC determined the June meeting be scheduled for 6/19/24 @ 11:00 A.M.


    • TSC Meetings with Traffic Safety Partners/Guests:

TBD/Nothing to report.


    • NYSACOP TSC – Recruitment, Diversity and Succession Plan:

Nothing to report.


    • Topics for “Intersections” , podcasts, etc., including guest contributors:

Chairman Georges stated that he is planning on writing an article for the June edition of the Chief’s Chronicle and encouraged TSC Members to submit, or have a guest submit, a future article.


    • Other:

Nothing to report.


  • Next Meeting:
    • Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. via Zoom.


  • Motion to Adjourn:

1st:     Chief Spaulding
2nd:    Chief Worden


Mission Statement
Assist our members in enhancing traffic safety services to reduce crash related fatalities, injuries and economic loss, while also providing additional positive outcomes resulting in safer roadways and communities.