NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services

Crash Management Course Training Series 2024-25

The Office of Public Safety is pleased to announce the Crash Management course training series for the fiscal year 2024-2025. The Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Technical Crash Management courses are delivered progressively in one-week training classes Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Office of Public Safety is announcing this training schedule for the fiscal year and only these specific courses will be offered during the year. Please plan for your training needs accordingly. Priority seating is given to those who register for all four weeks of training.


Westchester County - March 31-April 4, 2025

The Basic Crash Management and Intermediate Crash Management courses train officers to process crash scenes by preserving and collecting the available data and physical evidence. Students are also trained in basic crash investigation calculations and scene diagramming.

The Advanced Crash Management and Technical Crash Management courses train crash investigators to become proficient in the analysis and interpretation of crash data. The training includes lecture and project work addressing damage analysis, thrust diagramming, pre-and post-impact speed determinations, and time position analysis.

Officers must successfully complete each course with a grade of 70% to pass and a test grade of 80% before progressing to the next level. There is no cost to attend these classes. Personnel taking these courses will be completing considerable math-oriented project work and should possess proficiency in basic math and algebra. Students will be issued drawing supplies and a calculator for the courses and should bring appropriate clothing/gear for the outdoor projects.

Due to the hands-on field exercises for all courses, registrations will be limited, and you must receive a confirmation notice from DCJS to attend. Please complete the appropriate course registration form using the link below.

Westchester County location: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/7955068/Crash-Management-Series-Westchester-County-2025

Pre-Registration is required. All interested parties must register at least two weeks prior to the course as seats are limited. The location of training, class times and safety guidelines will be provided through an email confirmation; those who do not register will not receive this important notification and will not be admitted to the training. Walk-ins and transferring of confirmation notices will not be permitted. Additionally, contact information provided on the registration form will be used in the event contact tracing is required.

If you have any questions about the courses or registration, please contact Bert Bouchey, Public Safety Program Specialist 2 via e-mail at [email protected].