June 19, 2024 11:00 A.M. (Zoom)
Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Called to Order – 11:00 A.M.
  • Roll Call: Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD, Director of Public Safety Richard Tantalo, Monroe County, Chief Kenzie Spaulding, Corning PD, Chief William Worden, Port Jervis PD, Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD, Chief (ret.) Daniel Denz, West Seneca PD (NYSACOP Traffic Safety Services Coordinator), Chief (ret.) Michael Geraci, Schenectady PD (NYSACOP TSOL), Frank Galerie (NYSACOP GTSC LEL), Assistant Chief (ret.) William Georges, Albany PD (NYSACOP TSOL & TSC Chairman).

All present and accounted for. Chief (ret.) Joseph Sinagra, Saugerties PD: Leave of Absence.

  • No guests at this meeting.
  • Approval of May 13, 2024, Committee Meeting Minutes:

1st:      Chief Spaulding
 Inspector Regina


  • Updates/Status on Previous Agenda Topics/Events:
    • NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues:

Inspector Regina stated there was nothing new to report on the NYS TAP Committee or DRE. He did relate that Suffolk County PD met with Intoximeters representative, Jim McCauley, and subsequently entered into an agreement to begin an Oral Fluid (roadside) pilot project with the assistance of Intoximeters. Inspector Regina will keep the TSC posted on the progress of the program as SCPD rolls it out.


    • Oral Fluid Testing:

Chairman Georges reported that he spoke with NYSP Forensic Investigation Center Associate Director/Toxicology, Jennifer Limoges, who informed him that the Chair position of the NYS Oral Fluid Work Group remains vacant. She had been Chair but resigned from her position earlier in the year and since then the committee has not scheduled a meeting.

Chairman Georges stated that he also received an email from her regarding an update on the NYSP Evidential Oral Fluid Program which outlined the results of the project. Non-NYSP law enforcement agencies will be able to submit evidentiary oral fluid samples to the NYSP lab, and it is recommended they communicate with their DA’s office ahead of time/before doing so. An FAQ document was also created to help educate stakeholders on the project. Chairman Georges will send information/documents to the TSC members for review and further discussion.

Additionally, Ms. Limoges stated that she had received unconfirmed information that a Frye Hearing was being considered re: oral fluid however she could not confirm that and asked that she be notified if the committee members should hear anything about that.


    • Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones:

Chairman Georges reported that he briefed the NYSACOP Board of Governors on this issue. He related to them that the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team recommends all agencies consider developing a policy regarding expectations for police vehicle operations in work zones, and employee responsibilities should an agency receive a violation notice from NYSDOT.


    • Agencies Using Warning Tickets:

Chairman Georges reviewed the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team’s ongoing research into the use of Warning Tickets as part of an agency’s traffic enforcement/engagement program.

Chief Worden and Inspector Regina discussed the tracking process that occurs within their respective jurisdictions when oral warnings are issued (neither agency currently uses written Warning Tickets).

Chairman Georges stated that the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team will continue this endeavor and report back to the TSC as necessary.


    • Deadly Driving Bill, S.3135/A.174:

Chairman Georges reported that this bill failed to pass this legislative session. He will monitor for any further activity and report same to the committee as necessary.


    • AAMVA Region 1 Conference, Quebec City, Canada, May 21 – 23, 2024:

TSSC Denz and LEL Galerie reported on their experience at this conference and how it was organized and delivered.


    • NYSACOP – DCJS Liaison/Training Coordinator Position:

TSSC Denz reported that the interviews for the position have been completed, however a selection is still pending.


    • NHTSA – Johns Hopkins University Meeting, Colonie, N.Y. June 4, 2024:

Chairman Georges did an overview of this meeting and commented that the discussions were both interesting and informative. Both NHTSA and Johns Hopkins University like the NYSACOP LEL model, especially regarding outreach efforts and our Traffic Safety Executive Leadership training, and may use the NYSACOP model as a part of a national model that is being developed.

TSSC Denz reported that as a part of the national model NHTSA/Johns Hopkins is also considering the possibility of starting a national LEL certification program.


    • Crash Data Review:

Chairman Georges thanked Inspector Regina for sharing information from SCPD on recent motorcycle crashes and asked him to expound on the reports. Inspector Regina relayed how his jurisdiction has experienced a significant increase in crashes in the past 7 to 10 day period. He believes some of the uptick is due to the improvement in weather conditions in his area, resulting in a significant increase in motorcycle operation on the roadways. Inspector Regina reported that the number motorcycle crashes are in fact up from the same timeframe in 2023 and is concerned that this trend is going to continue.

LEL Galerie reported that he attended the Americade Motorcycle event in Lake George in May and noticed that many older riders are transitioning from 2 wheel motorcycles to 3 wheeled vehicles. He asked DMV how they are tracking 3-wheeled crashes and discovered there is no specialized tracking at this time, and the DMV group that is developing the new MV104 asked to have it incorporated into the updated form, but it does not appear it will happen.


    • Outreach to Regional Chiefs of Police Associations & Major City Chiefs:

Chairman Georges reported that due to summer vacations, personnel issues, etc. no outreach has been conducted recently however planning for fall activity will begin soon. Nothing additional to report at this time.


    • Traffic Safety Engagement and Equity in Enforcement Programs:

Nothing new to report at this time.


    • GTSC Update/Issues: 

TSSC Denz reported that the NYSACOP GTSC FY24 grant is on track, and that we are awaiting approval of our FY25 grant application. He also reported that there were 242 grant applications submitted by municipal and Sheriff Departments for FY25, and there is a request from GTSC that all LELs strive to get that number increased for the FY26 grant cycle.

LEL Galerie reported he received a list of all agencies that were in the grant program for FY24 and did not reapply for FY25. He has already reached out to those municipal agencies to inquire as to why they did not reapply and has encouraged them to get back in for FY26. An additional round of outreach to those agencies is planned for the spring of 2025.

LEL Galerie also reported that he has been assigned to a new project development program by GTSC regarding Post Crash Care. More to follow as this unfolds.


  • Upcoming Events:
    • NYSACOP Annual Conference (& TSC Meeting), Hyatt Regency Buffalo, July 14 – 17, 2024 Buffalo, N.Y:

Chairman Georges conducted a brief overview of the Conference and polled the TSC members as to their intent to attend. All are registered to attend except Inspector Regina who has a scheduling conflict.


    • IACP Impaired Driving & Traffic Safety Conference, Washington, D.C., August 16 – 18, 2024:

Chairman Georges conducted a brief overview of the Conference and polled the TSC members as to their intent to attend. No TSC member is planning on attending at this time.


  • New Business:
    • Monroe Co. Traffic Safety Initiatives/Issues:

Director Tantalo conducted an overview of a new multi-disciplinary Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST) initiative being developed in Monroe County. They have been working with the State of Florida Team, which TSOL Geraci put them in contact with, and like the Florida model. More to follow as this comes to fruition.

Director Tantalo also reported that at the same time the County is developing the CTST, the City of Rochester announced its move into the Vision Zero program and he will inform the TSC how the two programs will mesh in the future.

Director Tantalo relayed how Monroe County has partnered up with a community outreach group named Rochester Hope, which serves low-income neighborhoods in the City of Rochester metro area. They jointly participated in a recent event where a portion was dedicated to a Bike Rodeo and Traffic Safety program. It was very successful, and the County is looking to develop a PSA based upon the event.

Finally, he said that he has heard GTSC PSAs on the local radio stations specifically targeting the Rochester area. He is pleased that GTSC is doing so but hopes that they will contact his office to collaborate in the future.


    • Traffic Safety Activities and Training Courses: (All)

Chairman Georges reported on the list of current traffic safety trainings that are posted around the state, particularly keying in on Courtroom Testimony in Syracuse, Below 100 in Batavia and the fall Traffic Safety Symposium in Lake Placid.


    • Other:

Chairman Georges recognized Chief Worden and his agency’s initiatives during Speed Week.

LEL Galerie discussed a meeting TSSC Denz, and he had with Cindy Dort with the Cornell Cooperative Extension in Saratoga County and how traffic safety programming is conducted in that area.

TSOL Geraci reported on information he received regarding a program under development in the TraCS system whereby an officer will be able to issue a summons via text or email. More to follow as he investigates further. This sparked discussion by all TSC members related to the recent DMV “P” Series Memo regarding the ability to download a driver’s license to a cellphone. Chief Spaulding reported that she had done so and showed the results on her device. TSSC Denz to distribute the “P” notice to the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Points of Contact.


  • Follow-up Activities/Assignments:
    • Schedule re: Future TSC Meetings

All members agreed to discuss at July meeting.


    • TSC Meetings with Traffic Safety Partners/Guests:

Chairman Georges will work on identifying/inviting potential guests after the July TSC meeting.


    • NYSACOP TSC – Recruitment, Diversity and Succession Plan:

Nothing new to report.


    • Topics for “Intersections” , podcasts, etc., including guest contributors:

Chairman Georges reported that he did an article for the recent issue of the Chiefs Chronicle and asked the TSC members to consider submitting an article, or identifying a guest author, for future publications.


    • Other:

Nothing further to report/discuss.


  • Next Meeting:
    • The next meeting will be In-person during the NYSACOP Annual Conference and will be held on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 8:00 A.M., Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. Room TBD. Due to a scheduling conflict, Inspector Regina will attend via conference call.


  • Motion to Adjourn:

1st:     Chief Worden
2nd:    Chief Spaulding


Mission Statement
Assist our members in enhancing traffic safety services to reduce crash related fatalities, injuries and economic loss, while also providing additional positive outcomes resulting in safer roadways and communities.