Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel, Executive Room

July 17, 2024 8:00 A.M.
Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Called to Order – 8:10 A.M.
  • Roll Call: Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD, Director of Public Safety Richard Tantalo, Monroe County, Chief Kenzie Spaulding, Corning PD, Chief William Worden, Port Jervis PD, Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD, Chief (ret.) Daniel Denz, West Seneca PD (NYSACOP Traffic Safety Services Coordinator), Chief (ret.) Michael Geraci, Schenectady PD (NYSACOP TSOL), Frank Galerie (NYSACOP GTSC LEL), Assistant Chief (ret.) William Georges, Albany PD (NYSACOP TSOL & TSC Chairman).

Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD: Excused.
Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD: Attended by phone.
Chief (ret.) Joseph Sinagra, Saugerties PD: Leave of Absence

All other TSC members were present and accounted for.

  • Guests: Jim McCauley and Rob Duckworth (Intoximeters)
  • Approval of June 19, 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes:

1st:      Chief William Worden
 Chief Kenzie Spaulding


  • Updates/Status on Previous Agenda Topics/Events:
    • NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues:

Inspector Regina stated that there was nothing new to report.


    • Oral Fluid Testing:

Chairman Georges updated the TSC members on the status of the NYSP Oral Fluid Evidentiary Program and that the NYSP will have a training video available for distribution once it passes through the NYSP Legal Department process.

Jim McCauley reported that since NYS DCJS has reviewed/determined the municipal agency funding applications for technology purchasing, Intoximeter is experiencing an uptick in inquiries and sales of their roadside oral fluid screening instruments. NYS DCJS has started to send out acceptance letters to police departments and interest in the devices continues to grow.

Rob Duckworth introduced himself to the TSC members and listed his current responsibilities and expectations in his new position as an LEL with Intoximeter. He suggested that the policy for distribution and use of Intoximeter roadside oral fluid screening instruments should direct that field/patrol officers use them and not DREs. He further reported that there was a Frey Hearing on the screening instruments recently conducted in California that resulted in a positive/good outcome and he will share any additional information with the group if/as required.

TSOL Geraci suggested that NYSACOP continue to take the lead with researching and distributing information on this topic to municipal agencies across NYS.


    • Agencies Using Warning Tickets:

Chairman Georges updated the TSC on the research done so far on this project and that it continues to move forward.

TSSC Denz reported that he met with NYSP Sgt. Hedges, who heads up the TrACs program for the state, and he is willing to help develop a Warning Ticket program in the TrACs system. More to follow and he will update the committee as necessary.


    • Police Crash Reports/Revisions:

TSSC Denz reported that there has been no movement on the rollout of the new MV-104P to date. Expectations are that it will come out sometime mid to late fall.

LEL Galerie reported that DCJS/MPTC has decided to mandate the training of police recruits at academies across the state in the new MV104P so they will be familiar with it when it rolls out.


    • NYSACOP – DCJS Liaison/Training Coordinator Position:

TSSC Denz reported that NYSACOP Executive Director Phelan and NYSACOP President Heubusch are still in negotiations with DCJS, and the position has not been filled yet.


    • Crash Data Review:

Inspector Regina reported on a fatal DWI crash in his jurisdiction in which 6 people were killed. He feels the state should lower the legal BAC to .05. However, attempts to do that in the past have encountered fierce resistance and expects the same should the legislation be reintroduced.


    • Outreach to Regional Chiefs of Police Associations & Major City Chiefs:

Chairman Georges reported that through the diligent efforts of LEL Galerie, it has been discovered that no municipal agencies in Herkimer County have requested GTSC funding over the past several years. The NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team is currently putting an outreach plan together for that region, including possibly conducting a Traffic Safety Executive Leadership training for the region.


    • Traffic Safety Engagement and Equity in Enforcement Programs:

Nothing to Report


    • GTSC Update/Issues: 

LEL Galerie reported on personnel changes and reorganization plans for staff at GTSC. He also reported that all FY25 grant applications have been reviewed and are awaiting the final approval process.


  • Upcoming Events:
    • NYS Ignition Interlock Conference, Empire State Plaza, Albany, N.Y., August 15, 2024:

Chairman Georges reviewed the event with the TSC members and stated that LEL Galerie plans on attending.


    • IACP Impaired Driving & Traffic Safety Conference, Washington, D.C., August 16 – 18, 2024:

Chairman Georges reviewed the event with the TSC members. He also reported that he will be attending an IACP Roadway Safety Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. on August 15th.


    • DCJS Public Safety Symposium, Empire State Plaza, Albany, N.Y., September 17-20, 2024:

Chairman Georges reviewed the event with the TSC members


    • N.Y. Highway Safety Symposium, Lake Placid, N.Y., October 21-24, 2024:

Chairman Georges reviewed the event with the TSC members and reported that LEL Galerie and TSOL Geraci plan on attending this event.


  • New Business:
    • Overview of Motorcycle Safety Issues/Initiatives:
Chairman Georges reported that he attended a recent GTSC Motorcycle Safety Workgroup meeting. Topics of discussion were as follows:
    1. DMV sent out informational letters to individuals across the state. The DMV mailings consisted of 51,310 sent to those with a class M permit but no license and 38,736 sent to those with a motorcycle registration but do not have a class M license for a total of 90,046 letters sent.
    2. ITSMR reported that motorcycle crash fatalities are lower across the state from this time in 2023 however, serious physical injury crashes have increased significantly.
    3. GTSC is looking into a possible motorcycle safety sticker initiative where riders can affix a reflective sticker to their helmet. Nothing decided at this point.
Chairman Georges also advised the TSC of an upcoming Motorcycle Safety and Enforcement Training Program for police officers on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at the Orange County Emergency Services Center; 22 Wells Farm Road, Goshen, NY 10924. TSSC Denz will be distributing the training announcement to the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Points of Contact in the near future.


    • Traffic Safety Activities and Training Courses:

Chairman Georges reported on the current traffic safety trainings available.

TSSC Denz reported on the recent Below 100 Train the Trainer course sponsored by NYSACOP which was held in Genesee County. He also stated that NYSACOP is currently working on the possibility of hosting this training in the Syracuse region sometime in the fall of 2024.


    • Other:

Chairman Georges discussed the recent DMV “P” Series memo regarding green lights on mental health response team vehicles and the legal implications of the term “emergency response” within the legislation. He will investigate further and report back to the committee.

TSOL Geraci discussed the traffic safety session presented by Nick Bruel at this year’s NYSACOP Conference and suggested that NYSACOP should consider conducting a future POC webinar with him as a presenter.


  • Follow-up Activities/Assignments:
    • Schedule re: Future TSC Meetings

Chairman Georges discussed options for future meeting dates. After discussion, the next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. via Zoom.


    • TSC Meetings with Traffic Safety Partners/Guests:

No suggestions/nothing to report at this time.


    • NYSACOP TSC – Recruitment, Diversity and Succession Plan:

Nothing to report at this time.


    • Topics for “Intersections” , podcasts, etc., including guest contributors:

No suggestions at this time.


    • Other:

Nothing to report at this time.


  • Next Meeting:
    • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. via Zoom.


  • Motion to Adjourn:

1st:     Chief Kenzie Spaulding
2nd:    Chief William Worden


Mission Statement
Assist our members in enhancing traffic safety services to reduce crash related fatalities, injuries and economic loss, while also providing additional positive outcomes resulting in safer roadways and communities.