In the March 2021 edition of The Chief’s Chronicle magazine:

In the March edition of The Chief’s Chronicle:
- Cover story: Learn how Buffalo police are taking lessons on body language from actors
- President Timothy Parisi reflects on the riots at the U.S. Capitol
- Chief’s Corner: Chief Stuart Cameron discusses the consequences of fake news
- Executive Director Patrick Phelan provides an overview of legislative priorities for 2021, along with serious concerns about proposals in stand-alone legislation and the Governor’s Executive Budget
- Counsel’s Corner: Chief/Ret. Michael Ranalli explores the application of legitimacy as a guide in police reform – ‘just because it’s legal does not always mean it’s right’
- Retirements – three of our member Chiefs reflect on their careers which have spanned decades – read how they became interested in law enforcement, the changes they have seen, and highlights from their service.
- Historical Perspective: In 1929, NYSACOP members were introduced to the “telephone typewriter” at our annual conference. The state-of-the-art communications technology was showcased by a telephone company representative and signaled the birth of networked communications as a crime fighting tool.
- Can a handheld ‘app’ really boost officer wellness? NYSACOP members share their story, including their confidence in a wellness app that is being received with open arms by line officers, their families, administrators, and police unions.
- A 13 year old boy saves his mother after she passes out behind the wheel – read the harrowing story.
To view the March 2021 edition of the Chiefs Chronicle, CLICK HERE